Wedding Ceremony for Christians


A Wedding Ceremony for Christians sets out the ceremony for a believer’s wedding in clear steps. It is an excellent tool for a marriage officer. Those intending to get married can study the book and be prepared for their big day.



A Wedding Ceremony for Christians sets out the ceremony for a believer’s wedding in clear steps. It is an excellent tool for a marriage officer. Those intending to get married can study the book and be prepared for their big day.

The Processional. This gives the distinctiveness of the arrival of the groom, the groomsmen, and the page boys. The honor of the seating of the groom’s parents and family. And the bride’s mother. The beauty of the entrance of the bridesmaids and flower girls. Then the final entrance of the bride. Then the glory of the handing over of the bride by the father to the groom. A beautiful picture of Jesus Christ coming for His bride.

The Declaration. The all-important question Do you declare that, as far as you know, there is no lawful impediment to your proposed marriage to? Is given a prominent place at the very beginning of the ceremony.

Blessings: The blessings of the family follow. This gives the ceremony more weight of glory. Their agreement causes the activities of the day to proceed with grace.

Address to the Bride and Groom. The beauty and honour of marriage is depicted in the address to the couple. Adam’s words, “This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh” rehearsed in the hearing of the bridal couple and the guests give marriage the honour it deserves.

The Profession of Vows. The bridal couple is guided into beautiful and meaningful vows.  A solemn and reverential moment.

Presentation of Rings. The presentation of the rings and the couple receiving them draw all into the solemn moment.

The Pronouncement. This is the high moment of the ceremony. The audience is held in anticipation as the marriage officer makes the pronouncement that the couple has been lawfully married.

Signing of Register:  The legality of the marriage is set forth at the signing of the marriage register and the handing over of the marriage certificate.

Blessings: The blessings for the couple given are designed to usher the marriage officer to speak his or her own blessings on the married couple.

Glory to God: Glory and praise to God is given at the end of the ceremony.

Presentation: A lovely and joyful presentation of the newly married couple enriches the experience.

Recessional: The bride, the groom, and their entourage joyfully walk out of the building to where the guests, who have been waiting eagerly outside, receive the newlyweds with joy and throw confetti.

Why people should buy A Wedding Ceremony for Christians.

People should buy A Wedding Ceremony for Christians because it gives a beautiful ceremony of marriage coupled with accurate scriptural and legal parameters.

Target Audience for A Wedding Ceremony for Christians

Marriage Officers and marriage candidates are the target audience for the book A Wedding Ceremony for Christians.

The process of writing The Wedding Ceremony for Christians

I have done quite a bit of research on the subject to give a scriptural basis to the ceremony.

Reason for focusing on the theme.

I saw the need for a Word-based tool that marriage officers could use.

How long did it take? Six months.

The mental and spiritual process when the book was written.

Careful deliberation.

What readers will gain?

Marriage officers will carry out a beautiful scriptural marriage ceremony


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