When the Fire Fell is a story of the life and ministry of Gwayne and Doreen Challen in their main stomping grounds. Kliptown. Newclare. Albertsville. Lenasia. Laudium. Benoni. It covers his birth in Sophiatown. The unfortunate injury to his back. His early life in Vrededorp. His born-again experience. When the fire fell at the Nazarene Bible School. His family’s salvation. His call to the ministry. His marriage to Doreen. Their ministry for more than fifty-five years.
Doreen and Gwayne Challen were pioneers of the gospel among the people of Indian origin in the then Transvaal of South Africa. Their endurance in the face of opposition from other religions and their struggles through great financial difficulties will surely bring a huge reward. When others backed off, they stepped forward.
The boldness of Gwayne Challen is evident throughout the story. He rescues his brother Johnny from a certain death in the flooded Klip River. His preaching in Albertsville. The bold stand in the Lenz camps. Preaching in Marabastad. His testimony in Bloemfontein in the meeting of the Church of God of Prophecy. He cast out of the demon that troubled the girl in Noordgesig. The healing of the Moslem man that he met outside the Coronation hospital. He travels to the USA and ministry there.
The miracles that God wrought through their lives must inspire faith in many a reader. He is healing from an injured back. His salvation experience was in the small Nazarene church in Kliptown. His healing under the ministry of Oral Roberts.
After their salvation, the most important spiritual event was their baptism in the Holy Spirit. They spoke in tongues and were never the same ever again. Empowered with the power of God they went on to set many people free.
The solid faith principles of Gwayne Challen is a Northern Star for Christians and preachers. A solution to the constant temptation to depart from the middle of the road. Any preacher who crafts a message around the tried and tested preaching notes of God’s general will be amazed at the success that will follow.
Why people should buy When the Fire Fell Readers
Will be able to read an interesting autobiography of one of God’s generals.
Target Audience for When the Fire Fell
All Christians but particularly those who come from the Hindu Tamil background.
The process of writing When the Fire Fell
I have diligently recorded the accounts that Gwayne Challen has related to me. These have been set in order for all to read.
Reason for focussing on the theme
I thought it of utmost importance that the epic journey of faith be captured in writing for all the posterity of Gwayne and Doreen Challen to read.
How long did it take? Three Years
The mental and spiritual process when the book was written?
I had to exercise deep patience and love as I worked with God’s servant in producing an accurate account of major events in his life.
What readers will gain?
Readers will be enthralled with the faithfulness of God. The tenacity of faith. Scriptural principles. Guidance on preaching
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