The Sinner’s Salvation

The Sinner’s Salvation is a dynamic book covering all the aspects of the salvation of the lost. A path any sinner can follow and a study every believer should make. The full story of the bad news and the good news is set out clearly.



The Sinner’s Salvation is a dynamic book covering all the aspects of the salvation of the lost. A path any sinner can follow and a study every believer should make. The full story of the bad news and the good news is set out clearly.

The bad news. The certainty of the destination of the lost. God said, ‘The soul that sins shall die’. The sinner has died a spiritual death and will die a physical death and finally an eternal death. A sobering thought. God is obligated to apply His law. Every person who dies in his or her sins will be sucked into the waiting trail jail called Hades and eventually be cast in Hell.

The good news. The soul who sins need not die. God has made atonement for the lost. Through the death, suffering, resurrection, ascension, and exaltation of His Son, He has made full provision for salvation. No one needs to go to Hell.

More bad news. The sinner is guilty and in danger of damnation. They think nothing of the sins that they commit. Some try to escape by following a religion. This is a false hope of salvation. Others are set in unbelief. Others disregard God. If they die in this state, they perish in their sins.

More good news. Salvation can be received in an instant. Those who believe the gospel can do the following. It all happens in an instant but for study purposes, we break it up into four parts. Repent. Believe. Confess. Expression of faith. Repent means turn away from. A hundred and eighty-degree turn from going in a certain direction. A turn away from his or her false hope of salvation or from unbelief or from disregard of God. The sinner must embrace the finished work of Christ. Confess Jesus Christ as Lord. Bring forth immediate faith actions.

The evidence of salvation is set out clearly and likewise the need for holding fast the salvation that has been so freely given. There is a prayer for salvation that anyone desiring to be saved can pray.

Why people should buy The Sinner Salvation.

Believers should buy The Sinners Salvation so that they can read and get a precise knowledge of God’s plan of salvation. This is so they can share the truths with the lost and give them the book as a gift. In this way preach the gospel.

Target Audience for The Sinners Salvation

The target audience of The Sinners Salvation is the five-fold ministry and believers in general.

The process of writing The Sinners Salvation

Knowing the great importance of getting this all-important teaching right I have done a diligent search of the scriptures that relate to the subject. Important to me also was setting the teaching for easy understanding.

Reason for focusing on the theme.

To set the basic teachings of salvation for all believers to understand.

How long did it take? Two years

The mental and spiritual process when the book was written?

I approached this subject with extra care to make sure I set God’s plan for salvation accurately. The whole writing was soaked in prayer.

What readers will gain?

Readers will gain an accurate knowledge of salvation.


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